Wealth Management

Traditionally, wealth management refers to a financial service custom made by high-end financial advisers for affluent, high-end clients. It is a very comprehensive service that provides guidance across a client's entire financial situation and includes not only investment management but also accounting, tax planning, asset allocation, equity research, portfolio optimization, portfolio rebalancing, retirement planning, and legal guidance.
The wealth management industry is changing in an unprecedented way as a new generation of investors and technology adoption continues to reshape the market. Coupled with a challenging investment environment with more uncertainty and risks, investors must remain on top of the current trends to leverage market opportunities. For wealth management companies, they have to reinvent themselves to be better positioned to provide services that are up to the expectations of their customers. This requires them to integrate new technologies and understand current competition patterns and business models.
Never invested in gold or cryptocurrencies before? Don't worry - whether you are new to investing or not, Macroaxis will help you originate portfolios specifically personalized against your unique investment preferences, risk attitude, and budget constraints. Our service is built for investors of all levels who are seeking to increase the risk-adjusted performance of their portfolios using solid financial models and practical portfolio theory
The bottom line is that you can apply the power of Macroaxis to all of your portfolios instantly -- lock in positions that outperform the market, originate portfolios that maximize returns and minimize risk and build wealth over time across multiple assets types and in any economy.

Wealth Management In the era of Digital Channels

The current generation is quite technology-savvy, and therefore more likely to consider digital channels to manage their wealth. Moreover, wealth managers and advisors have access to customer data, which they can leverage to personalize offerings to suit the specific needs of customers. This will ensure an increase in return on investment (ROI) for investors, and in turn, an increase in customer loyalty. For digital channels to efficiently cater to customers' needs, managers have to conduct comprehensive research on unstructured data, including investor preferences and investment history. This will help them predict client behavior and use it to facilitate cross-selling and up-selling of products/services to investors.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality For Investors

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have played a significant role in changing the wealth management industry. They have particularly influenced how investors interact with wealth managers as they continue to make use of technology to increase return on investment. In addition to helping investors understand the market better, AR and VR are used to educate clients, and more so millennials, on how they can benefit from managed investments. With technology becoming part of everyday life, it is critical for managers to leverage digitization to attract, and more importantly, retain clients.

Streamlining investor onboarding

Manual client onboarding can be time-consuming, mostly due to lack of integration between back and middle offices as well as the intensity of the tasks involved. However, financial technology has made it easy and seamless for investors to use investment platforms. As such, they do not have to go through the long and cumbersome process, which means they can begin to invest sooner. Streamlined client onboarding also allows managers to be more transparent and efficient, thus increasing customer satisfaction and trust.

Virtual advisory tools

Virtual tools have a lot of benefits both to wealth managers and investors. For instance, they provide clients with regular reports on the performance of their investment, which also works to reduce the workload of asset managers. Advisors can also use the tools to offer advice remotely and in a timely fashion. In a nutshell, virtual tools have changed the way investors and managers interact. Thanks to virtual tools, customer relationships have improved; essentially, they have played a central role in helping firms shift from customer relationship management CRM) to customer interaction management (CIM). This has made it easier to communicate with clients and offer assistance accordingly.

Personalized Wealth Management

The Macroaxis Wealth Management Platform designed to address the most technical part of wealth optimization process which includes asset allocation, equity research, portfolio optimization, portfolio rebalancing and portfolio suggestion. In a typical setting, wealth management process starts by developing a personal plan that wealth manager puts together according to the client's financial situation, investing goals, and risk tolerance. After the initial plan is finalized, the manager meets with clients on regular bases to determine whether rebalancing of the portfolio required to maintain the initial goal or the personal strategy needs to change due to changes in the client's financial situation or risk outlook. This relationship between wealth advisor and a client usually long-term, and fees are very high; therefore most investors cannot afford a personal wealth manager. Macroaixs solves this gap by providing technical wealth management tools that are both notably practical and very easy to use as well as eminently affordable - a fraction of what you would expect to pay to a traditional wealth management service. Macroaxis® Wealth Optimization Platform is a set of comprehensive modules that are written in the context of traditional financial modeling and robust portfolio optimization framework. Whether your are a biginner or a profissional money manager, we add measurable value in the form of improved risk-adjusted return on portfolios of investors of all levels and skills:

Good for Beginner

Aggregate all your portfolios and track performance from anywhere
Optimize your positions and evaluate performance across multiple portfolios
Minimize total risk and maximize expected return
Match your allocation profile with appropriate financial advisor
Evaluate your performance against other investors
Grade your retirement portfolios across all accounts
Get advice on your existing asset
Benchmark performance against others
Maximize expected return and minimize total risk
Use private sharing and mobile access
Determine efficient asset allocation (learn more)

Great for Professional Trader

Index your profile on major search engines
Receive leads from potential investors
Optimize clients' positions
Increase managed assets
Pitch your performance to prospects
Enhance return on technology
Use custom reports and private branding
The idea behind a traditional wealth management service is that investors who have a high net worth may require services beyond those offered by traditional financial advisors and money managers. Those affluent investors usually have very complex investment portfolios with complicated tax considerations and multiple ownership interests across numerous portfolios and markets. However, a typical wealth management advisor always needs wealthy individuals, whereas not all wealthy individuals need a wealth management advisor. No matter how wealthy the investor considers herself of himself, Macroaxis wealth optimization service enables all self-guided investors to go through the wealth management process in three simple steps:

Value to Investors and Money Managers

Portfolio Analysis
Powerful and easy to use tools to quickly assemble, analyze, and monitor all your portfolios

Portfolio Optimization
Continually optimize your portfolios to reduce risk and increase expected returns

Portfolio Suggestion
Automatically apply analysis and optimization analytics to find better portfolios

Additional Benefits to Investors

In addition to its comprehensive portfolio optimization and suggestion engine, Macroaxis provides a suite of investment solutions through the Software as a Service model (SaaS). This service allows investor and money managers to focus less on technology, and more on managing portfolios or servicing clients. Regardless of your background, budget, or investment philosophy, you will find our platform and community useful in building optimal portfolios for yourself or your clients. The benefits of using the Macroaxis Wealth Optimization Platform include:

Accessibility and Availability

Ability to access equities from domestic or foreign exchanges including stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate investment trusts (REITs), and indices; empower users to perform sophisticated portfolio analysis very quickly--even novice investors can perform a professional portfolio analysis in a matter of minutes.

Better Analysis Better Return

Never repurchase stock on just a stock tip. Build & analyze your portfolio on a risk/return basis; evaluate how the securities in a portfolio work in combination with each other(correlations) to minimize risk or maximize return, and distinguish those that work well together from those that don't.

Educated Diversification

Provide an intuitive interface to determine which securities in a portfolio should be removed or rebalanced to achieve better diversification; find the right mix of securities that minimize portfolio risk for a given return, or maximize portfolio's expected return for a given risk level.

Enhanced User Experience

Leveraging evolving Web technologies, we provide our users with wealth management software that based on simplicity, speed, accessibility, and enhanced user experience, making technology that was once accessible only to professional money managers available to the entire investing community. We enable investors to run complex financial analytics without downloading a single piece of software or using third-party configurations. Macroaxis Wealth Optimization Platform provides several alternative ways to find optimal portfolios, which gives users full control, not only over the concentration of individual securities in the portfolio but also over the various diversification options.

Typical Wealth Management Workflow

Add Your Portfolios

You can either import your existing portfolios or simply create a brand new portfolio that mimics or simulates your current holdings. We will automatically update your holding with fresh historical and market data.
Add Portfolios

Execute Analytics

After you know your portfolio relative health and understand its risk-adjusted return potential, you can utilize our optimization and suggestion module to see what can be improved in your portfolio to reduce market risk exposure and enhance return.
Run Analysis

Get Optimal Portfolios

You can use multiple optimizations scenarios to store resulted optimal portfolios within your account. When you finally satisfied with your new asset allocations, simply export your efficient portfolios and use it with your designated brokerage.
Optimize Wealth

Using Wealth Management to Protect your Retirement Accounts

Whether you have an existing 401K or IRA account or looking to build meaningful asset allocation for your newly available retirement funds, you can use the Macroaxis Portfolio Optimization Engine to improve performance of your retirement asset and optimize your long term portfolios. We are dedicated to helping you diversify your retirement portfolios according to your unique situation, appetite for risk, capital preservation attitude, and expectation of the future economic conditions. Find out how.

Four easy steps to get more juice out of retirement accounts

The danger of both IRA and 401K plans is that the contributions of employees are not diversified, particularly if the company had strongly encouraged its workers to invest their plans in their employer itself as in infamous case of Enron Corporation where employees lost virtually everything they accumulated over the years in their retirement accounts when Enron filed for bankruptcy protection. Macroaxis provides investors and money managers with agile wealth management and portfolio optimization methodology powered by real, ready to use analytical tools to get most out of your retirement. Don't miss up on what your local market offers. Volatility can be your real friend. Use our continuous portfolio optimization framework to outperform the market.

Sync with your custodian brokerage account or Import your 401K or IRA portfolios

You can either sync with your brokerage or import your existing retirement portfolios in Excel or CSV format or simply create a brand new portfolio that mimics or simulates your retirement holdings. We will automatically update your holding with current historical and market data.

Analyze and grade your positions

After you import or create your retirement portfolios, run one of our built-in analytical modules to compute a relative score for your existing holdings and to present you with details regarding your estimated risk level and expected returns.

Optimize your portfolio based on your specific preferences

After you know your relative portfolio score and understand its risk-adjusted return potential, you can utilize our suggestion module to see what can be improved in your portfolio to reduce market risk exposure or enhance expected return.

Export suggested portfolios back to your custodian

When you are finally satisfied with your new asset allocation, export your entire portfolio back to excel file and use it with your designated brokerage.
Want to know how we do it? There are no secrets. Find out here

Analyze Portfolios


Optimize Positions


Monitor & Rebalance

The IRA (Individual Retirement Arrangement) was created by an amendment to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 made by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). This act enacted Internal Revenue Code sections 219 and 408 relating to IRAs. On January 1, 1980, the section 401(k) of Internal Revenue Code went into effect, and by 1984 there were 17,303 companies in the United States offering 401(k) plans to employees. By 2003, there were 438,000 companies with 401(k) plans.