Get Started with Macroaxis

Macroaxis provides investors and money managers with agile investment management methodology powered by real, ready to use analytical tools. It offers a portfolio optimization framework in the spirit of solid portfolio theory that, if properly applied, will significantly outperform the market. Not convinced? Sign up and try it for free. The best way to learn our system is to take it for a quick test drive to check all of the features that are available to you. Just create an account, create a portfolio, then just click around - "simplicity" is what we are all about.

Portfolio Origination

Macroaxis provides tools that will allow you to aggregate and monitor performance of your investment portfolios. You can either import your existing portfolios in Excel or csv format or create brand new portfolios that mimic or simulate your existing holdings.

Whether you are a risk taker or an extremely conservative investor, Macroaxis portfolio origination modules will allow you to construct portfolios that are optimized against your specific objectives. Securities are grouped into countries, sectors and industries, allowing you to examine and compare various fundamental, statistical, and forward-looking indicators using a simple point-and-click interface.

Portfolio Origination

Position Importing

Portfolio import

Our goal is to provide investors with all the tools required to construct optimal portfolios quickly respecting personal risk preferences, constraints, and economic outlook.

With Macroaxis you can bulk-upload transactions from your online brokerages by entering every transaction manually or importing your holdings using conventional CSV import tool which allows importing of all transactions via a single file.

Asset Allocation

Macroaxis wealth managment toolset is written in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). MPT suggests that rational investors will use diversification to optimize their portfolios.

The goal of our analytical modules is to suggest a unique, optimal portfolio that can be constructed with respect to an investor risk preferences and constraints. Macroaxis' portfolio allocation module will help insure that you stay within your constrains.

Asset Allocation

Asset Correlation

Portfolio Correlation

Investors can reduce their exposure to individual asset risk by holding a diversified portfolio of assets.

Macroaxis Correlation Inspector runs correlations between the returns of each asset in the specified portfolio against every other asset. It constructs a conventional correlation table with color-coded cells, identifying the highest and lowest values, as well as values that fall within 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations from zero.

Portfolio Backtesting

This toolset is built on the assumption that most investors dislike risk, and will make decisions based on maximizing returns for a level of risk that is acceptable to them.

We provide all investors with a set of tools to reduce exposure to individual asset risk by holding a diversified portfolio of assets. You can determine which securities in a portfolio should be removed or rebalanced to achieve better diversification.

Asset Allocation


Portfolio Rebalancing

Assemble or rebalance your portfolios in time. Anticipate market volatility and sector bubbles. Macroaxis is a platform which can manage multiple portfolio and help you to evaluate how the securities in a portfolio work in combination with each other over time.

With Macroaxis you can compare all your portfolios to market indexes or to other anonymous investors to check whether your investment are on track and your risk level meets your goals

Portfolio Optimization

Our implementation of MPT is based on simplicity, speed, accessibility and enhanced user experience, making technology that was once accessible only to professional money managers, available to the entire investing community.

Macroaxis provides a very simple four-star optimization methodology where a star is given for every category in which suggested portfolio outperforms your existing portfolio.

Portfolio Optimization


Portfolio Suggestion

As a rational investor, your objective is to build a portfolio where the excess return per unit of total risk is maximized. You can reduce portfolio risk simply by holding securities that are not perfectly correlated with each other.

Macroaxis portfolio suggestion algorithm uses the power of mathematics to synthetically manufacture efficient portfolios based on market risk reduction through examining of asset correlations.

Features Available to Macroaxis Bronze, Silver and Gold Members

Get access to the most sophisticated and simple to use portfolio origination, optimization, and suggestion engine available on the web. All Macroaxis modules are designed by investors for investors and are as powerful as million dollar software used by professional money managers. Start your free one week trial today.

Assets Selection

Equity Fundamental Comparison
Analyze multiple fundamentals concurrently with other holdings, watch-lists, or investing ideas to enhance returns of your portfolios
Equity Screener
Screen stocks, funds, or ETFs based on fundamental factors across different industries or families to find best investment alternatives
Equity Valuation Estimation
Use established methodology to calculate theoretical values of companies, funds, or ETFs

Investment Opportunity Check

Correlation Analysis
Industry best and easiest to build correlation table and cloud, a two-dimensional matrix that shows correlation coefficient between pairs of securities
Efficient Frontier Evaluation
Utilize conventional methodology to find investing opportunities that offer the highest expected return for a given level of risk or the lowest risk for a given level of expected return

Portfolio Optimization

Portfolio Rebalancing
Compare all your portfolios to market indexes or to other anonymous investors to check whether your investment are on track and your risk level meets your goals
Portfolio Suggestion
Portfolio suggestion algorithm uses the power of mathematics to synthetically manufacture efficient portfolios based on market risk reduction through examining of asset correlations
Portfolio Optimization
The goal of our Optimization module is to suggest a unique, optimal portfolio that can be constructed with respect to an investor risk preferences and constraints

Portfolio Origination

Portfolio Origination Wizard
Analyze multiple investing ideas and optimize them into a single portfolio based on given budget and asset allocation hints
Portfolio Back-testing
Portfolio backtesting provides investors with a set of tools to looks at buy-and-hold strategy few years back and evaluate its potential in the future
Watchlist Analysis
Use Macroaxis watchlist analyzer to instantly build a list of securities for potential trading or investing opportunities. Watchlist analyzer works within a risk-return landscape
Equity Performance Analysis
Marcoaxis provides set of tool to conduct a quantitative analysis of information in a company's financial statements as well as its market performance with a unique relative performance score

Equity Research

Alpha and Beta Analysis
Use regression analysis to evaluate security tendency to respond to swings in the market as well as to generate returns above the market benchmark
Financial Ratios Analysis
Use commonly used financial ratios to understand different sources of financial statement data as well as to highlight and define the most relevant information available to make profitable investing decisions
Technical Analysis
Evaluate securities and identify patterns by analyzing statistics generated by market activity, such as daily prices, highs, lows and volume
Investing Idea Applications
Test drive how committing your money or capital to a particular investing segment (such as real estate, cars, beverages etc.) will build wealth, obtain an additional income or generate profit
Management and Insider Evaluation
Macroaxis maintains as searchable repository of corporate CEOs, presidents, and senior officers and evaluates them in the context of company management performance

Instant Buy-Sell Recommendations

Equity Advice
Macroaxis provides advice that is qualified according to investment horizon and investor attitude towards risk.
Portfolio Performance Evaluation
Macroaxis provides tools that will allow you to aggregate and monitor performance of your investment portfolios across many disciplines
Equity Volatility Analysis
Find out the amount of uncertainty or volatility in respect to a given equity instrument before investing in it

Portfolio Management

Portfolio Monitoring
Act as your own money manager to build, optimize, and monitor portfolios of stocks, funds and etfs in a controlled and secured environment
Portfolio Reporting
Generate new or modify legacy reports via default layout or custom reports that meet the needs of your clients, investors or staff.
Assets Allocation
Macroaxis provides several modules to help investors in their selection of individual securities and to balance risk/reward by shifting investment focus on risk tolerance and investment horizon.
Portfolio Volatility Analysis
Macroaxis portfolio origination modules will allow you to construct portfolios that are optimized against your specific objectives

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