Create New Portfolio

Use Portfolio Architect

Use Portfolio Architect

Use AI to generate optimal portfolios and find profitable investment opportunities.
Import or Add Manually

Import or Add Manually

Use this option to create an empty portfolio. You can add positions manually or import your existing holdings.
Get AI Proposal

Get AI Proposal

Let us generate a proposal for you based on your current investing preferences.
Import From a Broker

Import From a Broker

We will synchronize with your existing broker. Use this option to securely import positions straight from your brokerage account.
Sync Your Cryptos

Sync Your Cryptos

We will synchronize with your existing cryptocurrency marketplace. Use this option to import positions from your crypto exchange.
Use Thematic Ideas

Use Thematic Ideas

Create portfolio using idea wizard. Use our portfolio idea wizard to create pre-optimized portfolio against your current investing preferences.
Sustainable Portfolio

Sustainable Portfolio

Create ESG portfolio using our optimization engine. Build sustainable portfolios against your current investing constraints.
Optimize Your Watchlist

Optimize Your Watchlist

Generate efficient portfolio of your favorite instruments. You can add additional equities to your watchlist at any time.
Build From Market

Build From Market

This option will help you generate efficient portfolio composed of currently trending equities. You can also add additional equities using a built-in filter.
Start Crypto Portfolio

Start Crypto Portfolio

Create portfolio of cryptocurrency assets. After you create your new crypto portfolio you can add one or more coins manually.
Create Model Portfolio

Create Model Portfolio

Create model portfolio to be used in optimization. After you create your new model portfolio you can add equities manually.
Create your portfolio quickly by using one of our portfolio creation wizards. If you would like to enter your positions manually or import your positions using our import tool, please select Import or Add Manually option. You will then be able to add or import your positions. If you are building your model, please select Build Model Portfolio.
There are multiple ways you can originate your portfolio on Macroaxis. This portfolio creation page helps you through the creation process in the most efficient way possible from creating an empty portfolio to a well diversified holdings of many different flavors, types, and ideas. Select one of the options below to continue.