Portfolio Proposal

Where would you like to invest?

Specify up to four of your favorite investing themes you care about or leave it blank to let us pick the positions for you.

What is your appetite for volatility?

Time Horizon

Risk Tolerance

Specify your current investment horizon and how much of market risk you are willing to tolerate.

How much are you planning to invest?

Specify your currently available budget. We will allocate the positions as close to your budget as possible.
The Macroaxis Proposal module allows you or your clients to build portfolios using our predefined set of trending investing ideas. A single investing idea is an unweighted collection of up to 70 funds, stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies that are programmatically selected to reflect a certain investment theme based on common characteristics such us technology, industry, growth potential, hype, volatility, public sentiment, or market segment. After you determine your investing ideas you can then find an optimal portfolio that will maximize potential returns on investing in it or minimize your idea's exposure to market risk. Check all ideas

Portfolio Proposal is a simple 3-step process that allows you to create optimal portfolio instantly using Macroaxis proposal engine. Macroaxis proposal engine uses dynamic set of algorithms to generate portfolio proposal from public companies, funds, and ETFs based on investors attitude toward risk and investing horizon. To create a new portfolio proposal you first need to be registered and active Macroaxis user (either freemium or premium). Once your account is activated, creating a portfolio proposal is easy:
Complete 3 steps questionnaire
Click 'Propose New Portfolio' button
You do not need to worry too much about which of the optional attributes to select when creating portfolios. As you continue using our service you will learn and develop your own methodology on how to utilize various filtering options to create your personal and unique portfolio management system.
Please note, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange (AMEX) have recently merged. Although Macroaxis has implemented solutions to handle this transition gracefully, you may still find some securities that may not be fully transferred from one exchange to another.