Portfolio Backtesting
Portfolio Backtesting is an essential part of the optimization process and wealth management in general.
Investors can use the Macroaxis portfolio backtesting module to forward test their optimization
strategies against past selected historical horizons.
Although most portfolio backtesting tools are very sophisticated and require some degree of user training in trading,
portfolio accounting, and statistics, we provide a straightforward interface to do this using a very intuitive micro workflow.
This instant backtesting methodology significantly improves return on technology enabling investors to optimize all their
investments across multiple portfolios without professional advice.
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A backtest is a risk and reward assessment tool for wealth management optimization. A backtest aims to provide evidence of an investment strategy's viability and potential for return. A backtest simulates market performance using historical trade data to replicate the current market to predict future behavior. A trading strategy is applied to the model, and the performance is tracked. If the investment strategy performs poorly in the model, it may indicate risk in the proposed investment strategy.
A good backtest is considered a strong indicator of investment potential. Though professional investment advisors typically do them, thanks to modern trading, the individual trader can do it a home. Portfolio backtesting takes this one step further. A trader can test their portfolio's performance in a large backtest or series of backtests. A backtest alone is not enough to prove the value of an investment strategy. It is just one of the tools in the portfolio management arsenal of professional and individual investors.
Portfolio Backtesting Benefits
Portfolio backtesting enhances returns on your managed portfolios and reduces exposure to risk by testing your optimization strategies forward to develop rebalancing techniques that maximize your risk-adjusted returns on your investments. Macroaxis backtesting module allows investors to evaluate the effectiveness of their optimization strategies by instantly exposing real-time backtesting results emphasizing trade-offs between risk and returns.Watchlist risk and return analysis
Risk and return landscape module will let you manually rebalance synthetic portfolio
against different assets allocation to increase its performance grade.
Risk and Return Landscape
Correlation Inspector
Correlation Inspector runs correlations between the returns or prices of each
asset in your portfolio against every other asset. It constructs a conventional correlation table with color-coded cells,
identifying significant and insignificant correlations
Inspect Position Correlations
Portfolio Analyzer
Portfolio Analyzer evaluates your portfolio on the basis of expected return vs. risk and presents
based on the probability distribution of a portfolio returns for a given confidence level.
Analyze Portfolio
Portfolio Optimizer
Portfolio Optimizer calculates and presents an optimal portfolio based on your investment objectives and risk preferences.
It calculates the optimal portfolio and shows all technical indicators associated with it.
Optimize Portfolio
Portfolio Suggestion
Suggestion module uses Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Markowitz Efficient Frontier to identify few alternative optimal portfolios
for your desired level of risk.
Get Portfolio Suggestions
Who Uses Portfolio Backtesting?
Portfolio backtesting is a part of the services a wealth management company may provide a customer to help them build the strongest portfolio possible. Many investors trust good backtests and find them reliable when implemented correctly. Backtesting is also critical in automated algorithm-based trading software also uses backtesting models to frame their behavior. Wealth management experts and individual investors use backtesting to access trade strategy risk and reward. Backtesting software varies from each firm and online trading service that offers one. Each is coded with proprietary software and built differently. They all work the same in the sense that they build performance models of investment strategies based on selected historical trade data. A lot of work goes into selecting data that can best replicate the current market, and access to the information can be quite expensive. Backtesting is a skill. Even the most user-friendly backtesting tools available online require advanced trade knowledge, research, data collection, and familiarity with the software interface. Learning to use the software correctly to gain its full benefit is critical to making it as accurate as possible. It might be accurate to say that you only get out what you put in. Cost, accessibility, skill are all factors. Backtesting has been proven to a reliable tool on the investor's portfolio optimizing tool belt. When combined with other indicators, a good backtest can help create a strong case for the potential return on investment.Backtesting Isn't Perfect.
Every trading website that offers backtesting software uses proprietary software, and that different features and different tracking metrics, all backtests aren't created equal. The same is true of professional services offering backtesting as part of their portfolio management. Individual traders using online trade software to backtest has a few drawbacks for its users too. Traders run the risk of imposing bias on their backtesting, and they can cherry-pick data. Failure on the trader's part to be honest with themselves might result in a backtest that incorrectly represents a trading strategy's viability. Pulling the trigger on a trading strategy backtested with the Data or data will have inaccurate results, which could have disastrous consequences as the plan fails to perform. Skilled investment professionals will see a good record of past performance as only an indicator of future performance potential. The backtest alone does not guarantee anything and cannot predict what will happen in the future market. Though it is a useful tool, it is only one of the many tools used in professional portfolio optimization.The Bottom Line
Portfolio Backtesting can be defined as going back in time using a current asset allocation settings and examining how it performed over a given time interval against a selected benchmark. The Macroaxis backtesting tools show the results over time in a graphical form along with all of the critical portfolio health indicators such as Information Ratio, Sharpe ratio, Standard Deviation, Maximum Drawdown, and many others. Many investors will seek professional help with backtesting to avoid the skill and learning curve associated with it or because they want expert help in building the best portfolio that they can.
In addition to our portfolio backtesting framework,
Macroaxis provides a suite of investment solutions through the Software
as a Service model (SaaS). This allows investor and money managers to focus
less on technology, and more on managing portfolios or servicing clients. Contact Us