Instant Buy or Sell Ratings
Volatility | Hype | Valuation | Analyst Consensus | Financial Leverage | Odds of Distress | Macroaxis Advice | ||
AAL | ||||||||
AA | ||||||||
AAPL | ||||||||
BBY | ||||||||
C | ||||||||
S | ||||||||
CVS | ||||||||
CVX | ||||||||
HD | ||||||||
Macroaxis provides instant equity rating based on a combination of real-time fundamental analysis and risk-adjusted market performance.
The results are broken down into six separate categories that are weighted to derive a horizon-based digital recommendation.
The six categories are Volatility, Hype Condition, Valuation, Analyst Consensus, Financial Leverage, and Odds of Distress.
Every category can also be evaluated separately to get more details.
Please note, we provide buy-hold-or-sell recommendation only in the context of the selected investment horizon
assuming investor has an average appetite for risk
Our stock ratings serve as a valuable investment tool and communicate a particular portfolio's comparative health or
the strength of a group of instruments with similar characteristics. We use different quantitative, technical, and
fundamental information to analyze assets and arrive at a meaningful rating. The tool also helps investors understand
each rating's meaning and allow them to make comparisons between each firm's recommendation.