FTX Token Buy Hold or Sell Recommendation

FTT Crypto  USD 1.31  0.01  0.76%   
Assuming the 90 days trading horizon and your above-average risk tolerance, our recommendation regarding FTX Token is 'Strong Sell'. Macroaxis provides FTX Token buy-hold-or-sell recommendation only in the context of selected investment horizon and investor attitude towards risk assumed by holding FTT positions.
Check out FTX Token Technical Analysis.
Also, note that the market value of any cryptocurrency could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in board of governors.

Execute FTX Token Buy or Sell Advice

The FTX recommendation should be used to complement the buy-or-sell advice compiled from the current analysts' consensus on FTX Token. Macroaxis does not own or have any residual interests in FTX Token or other equities on which the buy-or-sell advice is provided. Please provide your input below to execute FTX Token's advice using the current market data and latest reported fundamentals.

Time Horizon

Risk Tolerance

Execute Advice
Sell FTX TokenBuy FTX Token
Strong Sell

Market Performance

Very WeakDetails


Very riskyDetails

Hype Condition


Current Valuation


Risk of Devaluation

Below AverageDetails

Economic Sensitivity

Follows the market closelyDetails
For the selected time horizon FTX Token has a Mean Deviation of 3.3, Standard Deviation of 4.86 and Variance of 23.58
We provide trade advice to complement the prevailing expert consensus on FTX Token. Our dynamic recommendation engine uses a multidimensional algorithm to analyze the crypto's potential to grow using all technical and fundamental data available at this particular time. Be advised to confirm FTX Token market capitalization to validate our buy or sell recommendation.

FTX Token Trading Alerts and Improvement Suggestions

FTX Token generated a negative expected return over the last 90 days
FTX Token may become a speculative penny crypto
FTX Token has high historical volatility and very poor performance

FTX Token Returns Distribution Density

The distribution of FTX Token's historical returns is an attempt to chart the uncertainty of FTX Token's future price movements. The chart of the probability distribution of FTX Token daily returns describes the distribution of returns around its average expected value. We use FTX Token price's Value At Risk and its Upside Potential as a relative measure of the distribution. The graph of the distribution of FTX Token returns is essential to provide solid investment advice for FTX Token cryptocurrency.
Mean Return
Value At Risk
Potential Upside
Standard Deviation
   Return Density   
Cryptocurrency investment risk management requires an estimate of the probability of extreme price changes. Therefore, the correct representation of the distribution of FTX Token historical returns presented in an easy-to-digest graphical form helps investors and money managers understand the risk-reward trade-off of different crypto investement strategies.

FTX Token Greeks

Most traded cryptocurrencies are subject to two types of risk - systematic (i.e., market) and unsystematic (i.e., nonmarket or coin-specific or project-specific) risk. Unsystematic risk is the risk that events specific to FTX Token project will adversely affect the coin's price. This type of risk can be diversified away by owning several different digital assets on different exchanges whose coin prices have shown a small correlation to each other. On the other hand, systematic risk is the risk that FTX Token's price will be affected by overall cryptocurrency market movements and cannot be diversified away. So, no matter how many positions you have, you cannot eliminate market risk. However, you can measure a FTX crypto's historical response to market movements and buy it if you are comfortable with its volatility direction. Beta and standard deviation are two commonly used measures to help you make the right decision.
Alpha over Dow Jones
Beta against Dow Jones0.84
Overall volatility
Information ratio -0.05

FTX Token Volatility Alert

FTX Token exhibits very low volatility with skewness of 1.17 and kurtosis of 4.45. However, we advise cryptocurrency investors to further study FTX Token technical indicators to make sure all market info is available and is reliable. Please note that many cryptocurrencies are speculative and subject to artificial price hype. Ensure you understand the upside potential and downside risk of investing in FTX Token. We encourage all cryptocurrency investors to look for signals such as email spams, message board hypes, claims of breakthroughs, volume upswings, sudden news releases, promotions that are not reported, or demotions released before the public announcements. Please also check the biographies and work history of current and past project contributors before investing in high-volatility crypto coins. You can indeed make money on FTX if you perfectly time your entry and exit. However, remember that cryptos that have been the subject of artificial hype usually cannot maintain its increased price for more than a few days. The price of a promoted high-volatility instrument will almost always revert. The only way to increase coin holder value is through legitimate performance analysis backed up by solid fundamentals of the project the coin represents. Understanding different market volatility trends often help investors time the market. Properly using volatility indicators enable traders to measure FTX Token's crypto coin risk against market volatility during both bullish and bearish trends. The higher level of volatility that comes with bear markets can directly impact FTX Token's price while adding stress to investors as they watch their shares' value plummet. This usually forces investors to rebalance their portfolios by buying different cryptos as prices fall or investing in DeFi projects.

FTX Token Market Momentum

Traders often use several daily momentume indicators to supplement a more traditional technical analysis when analyzing securities such as FTX . With many different options, investors must choose the best indicators for them and familiarize themselves with how they work. We suggest combining traditional momentum indicators with more near-term forms of technical analysis such as Accumulation Distribution or Daily Balance Of Power. With their quantitative nature, daily value technical indicators can also be incorporated into your automated trading systems.

About FTX Token Buy or Sell Advice

When is the right time to buy or sell FTX Token? Buying financial instruments such as FTX Crypto Coin isn't very hard. However, what challenging for most investors is doing it at the right time to beat the market. Proper market timing is something most people cannot do without sophisticated tools, which help to isolate the right opportunities. Macroaxis provides hands-on modules to deliver winning trades and diversify your portfolios on a daily basis. Most of our advising modules are very easy to use and apply.
Please read more on our stock advisor page.

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In addition to having FTX Token in your portfolios, you can quickly add positions using our predefined set of ideas and optimize them against your very unique investing style. A single investing idea is a collection of funds, stocks, ETFs, or cryptocurrencies that are programmatically selected from a pull of investment themes. After you determine your investment opportunity, you can then find an optimal portfolio that will maximize potential returns on the chosen idea or minimize its exposure to market volatility.

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Additional Information and Resources on Investing in FTX Crypto Coin

When determining whether FTX Token offers a strong return on investment in its stock, a comprehensive analysis is essential. The process typically begins with a thorough review of FTX Token's financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess its financial health. Key financial ratios are used to gauge profitability, efficiency, and growth potential of Ftx Token Crypto.
Check out FTX Token Technical Analysis.
You can also try the Companies Directory module to evaluate performance of over 100,000 Stocks, Funds, and ETFs against different fundamentals.
Please note, there is a significant difference between FTX Token's coin value and its market price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Cryptocurrency investors typically determine FTX Token value by looking at such factors as its true mass adoption, usability, application, safety as well as its ability to resist fraud and manipulation. On the other hand, FTX Token's price is the amount at which it trades on the cryptocurrency exchange or other digital marketplace that truly represents its supply and demand.