Amer Sports, Stock Today

AS Stock   14.85  0.04  0.27%   


3 of 100


Odds Of Distress

Over 60

Above Average
Amer Sports, is selling for under 14.85 as of the 19th of September 2024; that is 0.27% down since the beginning of the trading day. The stock's lowest day price was 14.73. Amer Sports, has more than 60 % chance of experiencing financial distress in the next few years of operation. It also did not have a very good performance during the last 90 trading days. Equity ratings for Amer Sports, are calculated daily based on our scoring framework. The performance scores are derived for the period starting the 30th of September 2022 and ending today, the 19th of September 2024. Click here to learn more.
Business Domain
Consumer Durables & Apparel
IPO Date
1st of February 2024
Consumer Cyclical
Consumer Discretionary
Amer Sports, is entity of United States. It is traded as Stock on NYSE exchange. The company has 505.25 M outstanding shares. More on Amer Sports,

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Amer Stock Highlights

CEO DirectorJie Zheng
Thematic IdeaApparel (View all Themes)
Business ConcentrationApparel, Accessories & Luxury Goods, Consumer Durables & Apparel, Consumer Discretionary, Stock Exchange Of, SET Total Return, Apparel, Consumer Discretionary, Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods, Apparel Manufacturing, Consumer Cyclical (View all Sectors)
Average Analyst Recommendation
Financial Strength
Current ValueLast YearChange From Last Year 10 Year Trend
Asset Turnover0.320.533
Way Down
Slightly volatile
Gross Profit Margin0.380.4792
Significantly Down
Pretty Stable
Net Debt4.5 BB
Moderately Down
Slightly volatile
Total Current Liabilities1.3 B1.6 B
Significantly Down
Slightly volatile
Non Current Liabilities Total5.3 B5.7 B
Significantly Down
Slightly volatile
Total Assets6.1 B6.8 B
Moderately Down
Slightly volatile
Total Current Assets2.2 B2.4 B
Moderately Down
Very volatile
Amer Sports, can leverage the use of borrowed funds to amplify returns from an investment. In general, analyzing the relationship between debt to total assets helps investors to understand Amer Sports,'s financial leverage. It provides some insight into what part of Amer Sports,'s total assets is financed by creditors.
Amer Sports, reports 6.03 B of total liabilities. Note however, debt could still be an excellent tool for Amer to invest in growth at high rates of return.

Other Non Cash Items

713.21 Million
Amer Sports, (AS) is traded on New York Stock Exchange in USA. It is located in Konepajankuja 6, Helsinki, Finland, 00511 and employs 11,400 people. Amer Sports, is listed under Apparel, Accessories & Luxury Goods category by Fama And French industry classification. The company currently falls under 'Mid-Cap' category with a market capitalization of 8.13 B. Amer Sports, is active under Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods sector as part of Consumer Discretionary industry. The entity has 505.25 M outstanding shares. Amer Sports, generates positive cash flow from operations, but has no cash available
Check Amer Sports, Probability Of Bankruptcy
Ownership Allocation
Amer Sports, holds a total of 505.25 Million outstanding shares. Amer Sports, shows majority of its outstanding shares owned by insiders. An insider is usually defined as a corporate executive, director, member of the board or institutional investor who own at least 10% of the company's outstanding shares. 73.55 percent of Amer Sports, outstanding shares that are owned by insiders signifies that they have been buying or selling the stock in recent months in anticipation of some upcoming event. Please note that no matter how many assets the company secures, if the real value of the firm is less than the current market value, you may not be able to make money on it.
Check Amer Ownership Details

Amer Sports, Historical Income Statement

At this time, Amer Sports,'s Tax Provision is comparatively stable compared to the past year. Income Tax Expense is likely to gain to about 116.4 M in 2024, whereas Net Interest Income is likely to drop (377.3 M) in 2024. View More Fundamentals

Amer Stock Against Markets

Amer Sports, Corporate Management

Andrew PageChief OfficerProfile
Stefan SchubertChief ITProfile
Anu SirkiaVice CommunicationsProfile
Omar CPAVice RelationsProfile
WenChang ChenChief OfficerProfile
Michael SrensenChief OfficerProfile

Already Invested in Amer Sports,?

The danger of trading Amer Sports, is mainly related to its market volatility and Company specific events. As an investor, you must understand the concept of risk-adjusted return before you start trading. The most common way to measure the risk of Amer Sports, is by using the Sharpe ratio. The ratio expresses how much excess return you acquire for the extra volatility you endure for holding a more risker asset than Amer Sports,. The Sharpe ratio is calculated by using standard deviation and excess return to determine reward per unit of risk. To understand how volatile Amer Sports, is, you must compare it to a benchmark. Traditionally, the risk-free rate of return is the rate of return on the shortest-dated U.S. Treasury, such as a 3-year bond.

Additional Tools for Amer Stock Analysis

When running Amer Sports,'s price analysis, check to measure Amer Sports,'s market volatility, profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, growth potential, financial leverage, and other vital indicators. We have many different tools that can be utilized to determine how healthy Amer Sports, is operating at the current time. Most of Amer Sports,'s value examination focuses on studying past and present price action to predict the probability of Amer Sports,'s future price movements. You can analyze the entity against its peers and the financial market as a whole to determine factors that move Amer Sports,'s price. Additionally, you may evaluate how the addition of Amer Sports, to your portfolios can decrease your overall portfolio volatility.