Lloyd Yates - Sonoco Products Independent Director

SON Stock  USD 53.96  0.25  0.46%   


Lloyd Yates is Independent Director of Sonoco Products since 2019.
Age 60
Tenure 5 years
Address 1 North Second Street, Hartsville, SC, United States, 29550-3350
Phone843 383 7000

Lloyd Yates Latest Insider Activity

Tracking and analyzing the buying and selling activities of Lloyd Yates against Sonoco Products stock is an integral part of due diligence when investing in Sonoco Products. Lloyd Yates insider activity provides valuable insight into whether Sonoco Products is net buyers or sellers over its current business cycle. Note, Sonoco Products insiders must abide by specific rules, including filing SEC forms every time they buy or sell Sonoco Products'shares to prevent insider trading or benefiting illegally from material non-public information that their positions give them access to.

Sonoco Products Management Efficiency

The company has Return on Asset of 0.0571 % which means that on every $100 spent on assets, it made $0.0571 of profit. This is way below average. In the same way, it shows a return on shareholders' equity (ROE) of 0.1557 %, implying that it generated $0.1557 on every 100 dollars invested. Sonoco Products' management efficiency ratios could be used to measure how well Sonoco Products manages its routine affairs as well as how well it operates its assets and liabilities. At this time, Sonoco Products' Return On Capital Employed is very stable compared to the past year. As of the 30th of September 2024, Return On Assets is likely to grow to 0.07, while Return On Tangible Assets are likely to drop 0.09. At this time, Sonoco Products' Asset Turnover is very stable compared to the past year.
Sonoco Products has 3.35 B in debt with debt to equity (D/E) ratio of 1.77, which is OK given its current industry classification. Sonoco Products has a current ratio of 1.33, which is typical for the industry and considered as normal. Note however, debt could still be an excellent tool for Sonoco to invest in growth at high rates of return.

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Sonoco Products Company, together with its subsidiaries, manufactures and sells industrial and consumer packaging products in North and South America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Sonoco Products Company was founded in 1899 and is headquartered in Hartsville, South Carolina. Sonoco Products operates under Packaging Containers classification in the United States and is traded on New York Stock Exchange. It employs 22000 people. Sonoco Products (SON) is traded on New York Stock Exchange in USA. It is located in 1 North Second Street, Hartsville, SC, United States, 29550-3350 and employs 21,000 people. Sonoco Products is listed under Paper & Plastic Packaging Products & Materials category by Fama And French industry classification.

Management Performance

Sonoco Products Leadership Team

Elected by the shareholders, the Sonoco Products' board of directors comprises two types of representatives: Sonoco Products inside directors who are chosen from within the company, and outside directors, selected externally and held independent of Sonoco. The board's role is to monitor Sonoco Products' management team and ensure that shareholders' interests are well served. Sonoco Products' inside directors are responsible for reviewing and approving budgets prepared by upper management to implement core corporate initiatives and projects. On the other hand, Sonoco Products' outside directors are responsible for providing unbiased perspectives on the board's policies.
James Micali, Lead Independent Director
Marc Oken, Independent Director
Richard Johnson, Chief Information Officer, Vice President
Rodger Fuller, Senior Vice President - Global Consumer Packaging, Display, Packaging and Protective Solutions
Robert Coker, Senior Vice President - Global Paper and Industrial Converted Products
Roger Schrum, Vice President - Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs
Julie Albrecht, Chief Financial Officer - -Elect , Vice President
Harry Cockrell, Director
Andrea White, Chief Officer
Ernest Haynes, Vice President - Rigid Paper Containers North America
Eleni Istavridis, Independent Director
John Florence, Vice President of Human Resources, General Counsel, Secretary
Blythe McGarvie, Independent Director
James Harrell, Vice President Global Tubes & Cores Operations
Robert Hill, Independent Director
Elizabeth Rhue, Staff Vice President - Global Sustainability
Adam Wood, Vice President - Paper & Industrial Converted Products of Europe, Middle East, Australia and New Zealand
Mark Chenhall, Managing Zealand
Shawn Munday, Vice Acquisitions
Laura Abad, Senior Marketing
Sundaram Nagarajan, Independent Director
Bernd Rost, Managing Europe
Pamela Davies, Independent Director
Lloyd Yates, Independent Director
Russell Grissett, Vice President - Global Flexible Packaging
Thomas Whiddon, Independent Director
James III, President Packaging
Marcy Thompson, Vice President - Marketing and Innovation
Philippe Guillemot, Independent Director
Aditya Gandhi, Chief Officer
Jeffrey Tomaszewski, Vice President - North America Consumer and Global RPC
Richard Kyle, Independent Director
Robert Dillard, Corporate Vice President - Strategy and Corporate Development
Theresa Drew, Independent Director
Lisa Weeks, VP Affairs
Sean Cairns, President - Global Rigid Paper and Closures organization, Operations - Americas, Europe and Asia
John Haley, Chairman of the Board

Sonoco Stock Performance Indicators

The ability to make a profit is the ultimate goal of any investor. But to identify the right stock is not an easy task. Is Sonoco Products a good investment? Although profit is still the single most important financial element of any organization, multiple performance indicators can help investors identify the equity that they will appreciate over time.

Pair Trading with Sonoco Products

One of the main advantages of trading using pair correlations is that every trade hedges away some risk. Because there are two separate transactions required, even if Sonoco Products position performs unexpectedly, the other equity can make up some of the losses. Pair trading also minimizes risk from directional movements in the market. For example, if an entire industry or sector drops because of unexpected headlines, the short position in Sonoco Products will appreciate offsetting losses from the drop in the long position's value.

Moving together with Sonoco Stock

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Moving against Sonoco Stock

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The ability to find closely correlated positions to Sonoco Products could be a great tool in your tax-loss harvesting strategies, allowing investors a quick way to find a similar-enough asset to replace Sonoco Products when you sell it. If you don't do this, your portfolio allocation will be skewed against your target asset allocation. So, investors can't just sell and buy back Sonoco Products - that would be a violation of the tax code under the "wash sale" rule, and this is why you need to find a similar enough asset and use the proceeds from selling Sonoco Products to buy it.
The correlation of Sonoco Products is a statistical measure of how it moves in relation to other instruments. This measure is expressed in what is known as the correlation coefficient, which ranges between -1 and +1. A perfect positive correlation (i.e., a correlation coefficient of +1) implies that as Sonoco Products moves, either up or down, the other security will move in the same direction. Alternatively, perfect negative correlation means that if Sonoco Products moves in either direction, the perfectly negatively correlated security will move in the opposite direction. If the correlation is 0, the equities are not correlated; they are entirely random. A correlation greater than 0.8 is generally described as strong, whereas a correlation less than 0.5 is generally considered weak.
Correlation analysis and pair trading evaluation for Sonoco Products can also be used as hedging techniques within a particular sector or industry or even over random equities to generate a better risk-adjusted return on your portfolios.
Pair CorrelationCorrelation Matching

Additional Information and Resources on Investing in Sonoco Stock

When determining whether Sonoco Products offers a strong return on investment in its stock, a comprehensive analysis is essential. The process typically begins with a thorough review of Sonoco Products' financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess its financial health. Key financial ratios are used to gauge profitability, efficiency, and growth potential of Sonoco Products Stock. Outlined below are crucial reports that will aid in making a well-informed decision on Sonoco Products Stock:
Check out World Market Map to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in Sonoco Products. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in persons.
To learn how to invest in Sonoco Stock, please use our How to Invest in Sonoco Products guide.
You can also try the Analyst Advice module to analyst recommendations and target price estimates broken down by several categories.
Is Paper & Plastic Packaging Products & Materials space expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of Sonoco Products. If investors know Sonoco will grow in the future, the company's valuation will be higher. The financial industry is built on trying to define current growth potential and future valuation accurately. All the valuation information about Sonoco Products listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.
Quarterly Earnings Growth
Dividend Share
Earnings Share
Revenue Per Share
Quarterly Revenue Growth
The market value of Sonoco Products is measured differently than its book value, which is the value of Sonoco that is recorded on the company's balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of Sonoco Products' value that differs from its market value or its book value, called intrinsic value, which is Sonoco Products' true underlying value. Investors use various methods to calculate intrinsic value and buy a stock when its market value falls below its intrinsic value. Because Sonoco Products' market value can be influenced by many factors that don't directly affect Sonoco Products' underlying business (such as a pandemic or basic market pessimism), market value can vary widely from intrinsic value.
Please note, there is a significant difference between Sonoco Products' value and its price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Investors typically determine if Sonoco Products is a good investment by looking at such factors as earnings, sales, fundamental and technical indicators, competition as well as analyst projections. However, Sonoco Products' price is the amount at which it trades on the open market and represents the number that a seller and buyer find agreeable to each party.