Siegfried Reich - Effector Therapeutics CoFounder Board

EFTRDelisted Stock  USD 0.13  0.03  30.00%   


Siegfried Reich is CoFounder Board of Effector Therapeutics
Age 64
Phone858 925 8215

Effector Therapeutics Management Efficiency

The company has return on total asset (ROA) of (0.8333) % which means that it has lost $0.8333 on every $100 spent on assets. This is way below average. Similarly, it shows a return on stockholder's equity (ROE) of (9.4656) %, meaning that it created substantial loss on money invested by shareholders. Effector Therapeutics' management efficiency ratios could be used to measure how well Effector Therapeutics manages its routine affairs as well as how well it operates its assets and liabilities.
Effector Therapeutics currently holds 19.45 M in liabilities with Debt to Equity (D/E) ratio of 1.03, which is about average as compared to similar companies. Effector Therapeutics has a current ratio of 1.75, which is within standard range for the sector. Note, when we think about Effector Therapeutics' use of debt, we should always consider it together with its cash and equity.

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eFFECTOR Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, engages in the development of selective translation regulator inhibitors for the treatment of cancer. It has a collaboration agreement with Pfizer Inc. to develop inhibitors of eIF4E. eFFECTOR Therapeutics, Inc. was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Solana Beach, California. Effector Therapeutics operates under Biotechnology classification in the United States and is traded on NASDAQ Exchange. It employs 12 people. Effector Therapeutics (EFTR) is traded on NASDAQ Exchange in USA. It is located in 142 North Cedros Avenue, Solana Beach, CA, United States, 92075 and employs 14 people. Effector Therapeutics is listed under Pharmaceutical Products category by Fama And French industry classification.

Management Performance

Effector Therapeutics Leadership Team

Elected by the shareholders, the Effector Therapeutics' board of directors comprises two types of representatives: Effector Therapeutics inside directors who are chosen from within the company, and outside directors, selected externally and held independent of Effector. The board's role is to monitor Effector Therapeutics' management team and ensure that shareholders' interests are well served. Effector Therapeutics' inside directors are responsible for reviewing and approving budgets prepared by upper management to implement core corporate initiatives and projects. On the other hand, Effector Therapeutics' outside directors are responsible for providing unbiased perspectives on the board's policies.
Siegfried Reich, CoFounder Board
Mayank MD, Chief Officer
Michael MBA, Chief Officer
Davide Ruggero, CoFounder Board
Douglas MD, Chief Officer
Stephen Worland, President CEO
Kevan Shokat, CoFounder Board

Effector Stock Performance Indicators

The ability to make a profit is the ultimate goal of any investor. But to identify the right stock is not an easy task. Is Effector Therapeutics a good investment? Although profit is still the single most important financial element of any organization, multiple performance indicators can help investors identify the equity that they will appreciate over time.

Pair Trading with Effector Therapeutics

One of the main advantages of trading using pair correlations is that every trade hedges away some risk. Because there are two separate transactions required, even if Effector Therapeutics position performs unexpectedly, the other equity can make up some of the losses. Pair trading also minimizes risk from directional movements in the market. For example, if an entire industry or sector drops because of unexpected headlines, the short position in Effector Therapeutics will appreciate offsetting losses from the drop in the long position's value.

Moving against Effector Stock

  0.46DMAC DiaMedica TherapeuticsPairCorr
  0.42VCYT VeracytePairCorr
  0.39VERA Vera TherapeuticsPairCorr
  0.38DNLI Denali TherapeuticsPairCorr
  0.38DSGN Design Therapeutics TrendingPairCorr
The ability to find closely correlated positions to Effector Therapeutics could be a great tool in your tax-loss harvesting strategies, allowing investors a quick way to find a similar-enough asset to replace Effector Therapeutics when you sell it. If you don't do this, your portfolio allocation will be skewed against your target asset allocation. So, investors can't just sell and buy back Effector Therapeutics - that would be a violation of the tax code under the "wash sale" rule, and this is why you need to find a similar enough asset and use the proceeds from selling Effector Therapeutics to buy it.
The correlation of Effector Therapeutics is a statistical measure of how it moves in relation to other instruments. This measure is expressed in what is known as the correlation coefficient, which ranges between -1 and +1. A perfect positive correlation (i.e., a correlation coefficient of +1) implies that as Effector Therapeutics moves, either up or down, the other security will move in the same direction. Alternatively, perfect negative correlation means that if Effector Therapeutics moves in either direction, the perfectly negatively correlated security will move in the opposite direction. If the correlation is 0, the equities are not correlated; they are entirely random. A correlation greater than 0.8 is generally described as strong, whereas a correlation less than 0.5 is generally considered weak.
Correlation analysis and pair trading evaluation for Effector Therapeutics can also be used as hedging techniques within a particular sector or industry or even over random equities to generate a better risk-adjusted return on your portfolios.
Pair CorrelationCorrelation Matching
Check out Investing Opportunities to better understand how to build diversified portfolios. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in estimate.
You can also try the Global Correlations module to find global opportunities by holding instruments from different markets.

Other Consideration for investing in Effector Stock

If you are still planning to invest in Effector Therapeutics check if it may still be traded through OTC markets such as Pink Sheets or OTC Bulletin Board. You may also purchase it directly from the company, but this is not always possible and may require contacting the company directly. Please note that delisted stocks are often considered to be more risky investments, as they are no longer subject to the same regulatory and reporting requirements as listed stocks. Therefore, it is essential to carefully research the Effector Therapeutics' history and understand the potential risks before investing.
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