Nuvation Bio Stock Today

NUVB Stock  USD 2.80  0.15  5.08%   


0 of 100

Very Weak

Odds Of Distress

Over 54

Nuvation Bio is trading at 2.80 as of the 22nd of September 2024, a 5.08 percent decrease since the beginning of the trading day. The stock's open price was 2.95. Nuvation Bio has 54 percent odds of going through some form of financial distress in the next two years and has generated negative returns to investors over the last 90 days. Equity ratings for Nuvation Bio are calculated daily based on our scoring framework. The performance scores are derived for the period starting the 23rd of August 2024 and ending today, the 22nd of September 2024. Click here to learn more.
Business Domain
Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences
IPO Date
24th of August 2020
Health Care
Nuvation Bio Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on the development of therapeutic candidates for oncology. Nuvation Bio Inc. was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in New York, New York. Nuvation Bio operates under Biotechnology classification in the United States and is traded on New York Stock Exchange. The company has 333.78 M outstanding shares of which 17.96 M shares are now shorted by private and institutional investors with about 12.83 trading days to cover. More on Nuvation Bio

Moving against Nuvation Stock

  0.55XGN Exagen IncPairCorr
  0.38REGN Regeneron PharmaceuticalsPairCorr
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Follow Valuation Options Odds of Bankruptcy
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Nuvation Stock Highlights

ESG Sustainability
CEODavid Hung
Business ConcentrationBiotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences, Health Care, NYSE Composite, Health Care, Biotechnology, Biotechnology, Healthcare (View all Sectors)
Average Analyst Recommendation
Financial Strength
Current ValueLast YearChange From Last Year 10 Year Trend
Total Current Liabilities10 M14 M
Way Down
Slightly volatile
Non Current Liabilities Total3.9 M2.4 M
Way Up
Slightly volatile
Total Assets530.8 M621.5 M
Fairly Down
Slightly volatile
Total Current Assets439.4 M616.4 M
Way Down
Slightly volatile
Debt Levels
Nuvation Bio can leverage the use of borrowed funds to amplify returns from an investment. In general, analyzing the relationship between debt to total assets helps investors to understand Nuvation Bio's financial leverage. It provides some insight into what part of Nuvation Bio's total assets is financed by creditors.
Nuvation Bio currently holds 4.01 M in liabilities with Debt to Equity (D/E) ratio of 0.01, which may suggest the company is not taking enough advantage from borrowing. Nuvation Bio has a current ratio of 32.91, suggesting that it is liquid enough and is able to pay its financial obligations when due. Note, when we think about Nuvation Bio's use of debt, we should always consider it together with its cash and equity.


9.37 Million
Nuvation Bio (NUVB) is traded on New York Stock Exchange in USA. It is located in 1500 Broadway, New York, NY, United States, 10036 and employs 167 people. Nuvation Bio is listed under Biotechnology category by Fama And French industry classification. The company currently falls under 'Small-Cap' category with a current market capitalization of 937.38 M. Nuvation Bio conducts business under Biotechnology sector and is part of Health Care industry. The entity has 333.78 M outstanding shares of which 17.96 M shares are now shorted by private and institutional investors with about 12.83 trading days to cover. Nuvation Bio currently holds about 703.8 M in cash with (68 M) of positive cash flow from operations. This results in cash-per-share (CPS) ratio of 3.22, which can makes it an attractive takeover target, given it will continue generating positive cash flow.
Check Nuvation Bio Probability Of Bankruptcy
Ownership Allocation
Nuvation Bio maintains a total of 333.78 Million outstanding shares. Nuvation Bio holds significant amount of outstanding shares owned by insiders. An insider is usually defined as a CEO, other corporate executive, director, or institutional investor who own at least 10% of the company's outstanding shares. Please note that no matter how many assets the company has, if the real value of the firm is less than the current market value, you may not be able to make money on it.
Check Nuvation Ownership Details

Nuvation Bio Historical Income Statement

At present, Nuvation Bio's Interest Expense is projected to increase significantly based on the last few years of reporting. The current year's Depreciation And Amortization is expected to grow to about 261.8 K, whereas EBIT is forecasted to decline to (104.8 M). View More Fundamentals

Nuvation Stock Against Markets

Nuvation Bio Corporate Management

W VernonIndependent DirectorProfile
Michelle DoigIndependent DirectorProfile
Gary HattersleyChief Scientific OfficerProfile
Moses MakunjePrincipal OfficerProfile
Robert BazemoreIndependent DirectorProfile

Additional Information and Resources on Investing in Nuvation Stock

When determining whether Nuvation Bio offers a strong return on investment in its stock, a comprehensive analysis is essential. The process typically begins with a thorough review of Nuvation Bio's financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess its financial health. Key financial ratios are used to gauge profitability, efficiency, and growth potential of Nuvation Bio Stock. Outlined below are crucial reports that will aid in making a well-informed decision on Nuvation Bio Stock:
Check out Correlation Analysis to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in Nuvation Bio. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in real.
For information on how to trade Nuvation Stock refer to our How to Trade Nuvation Stock guide.
You can also try the Bollinger Bands module to use Bollinger Bands indicator to analyze target price for a given investing horizon.
Is Biotechnology space expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of Nuvation Bio. If investors know Nuvation will grow in the future, the company's valuation will be higher. The financial industry is built on trying to define current growth potential and future valuation accurately. All the valuation information about Nuvation Bio listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.
Earnings Share
Revenue Per Share
Return On Assets
Return On Equity
The market value of Nuvation Bio is measured differently than its book value, which is the value of Nuvation that is recorded on the company's balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of Nuvation Bio's value that differs from its market value or its book value, called intrinsic value, which is Nuvation Bio's true underlying value. Investors use various methods to calculate intrinsic value and buy a stock when its market value falls below its intrinsic value. Because Nuvation Bio's market value can be influenced by many factors that don't directly affect Nuvation Bio's underlying business (such as a pandemic or basic market pessimism), market value can vary widely from intrinsic value.
Please note, there is a significant difference between Nuvation Bio's value and its price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Investors typically determine if Nuvation Bio is a good investment by looking at such factors as earnings, sales, fundamental and technical indicators, competition as well as analyst projections. However, Nuvation Bio's price is the amount at which it trades on the open market and represents the number that a seller and buyer find agreeable to each party.