Bank of America Financials

BAC-PN Preferred Stock  USD 23.41  0.41  1.72%   
Based on the key measurements obtained from Bank of America's financial statements, Bank of America is not in a good financial situation at the present time. It has a very high likelihood of going through financial trouble in October.
Understanding current and past Bank of America Financials, including the trends in assets, liabilities, equity and income are directly related to making proper and timely investing decisions. All of Bank of America's financial statements are interrelated, with each one affecting the others. For example, an increase in Bank of America's assets may result in an increase in income on the income statement.

Bank of America Preferred Stock Summary

Bank of America competes with Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Capital One, Capital One, and Bank of America. Bank of America Corporation, through its subsidiaries, provides banking and financial products and services for individual consumers, small- and middle-market businesses, institutional investors, large corporations, and governments worldwide. Bank of America Corporation was founded in 1784 and is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. Bank Of America operates under BanksDiversified classification in the United States and is traded on New York Stock Exchange. It employs 211225 people.
Financial Services, Banks - Diversified
InstrumentUSA Preferred Stock View All
ExchangeNew York Stock Exchange
LocationNorth Carolina; U.S.A
Business AddressBank of America
SectorFinancial Services
BenchmarkDow Jones Industrial
Phone704 386 5681
CurrencyUSD - US Dollar

Bank of America Key Financial Ratios

Bank of America's financial ratios allow both analysts and investors to convert raw data from Bank of America's financial statements into concise, actionable information that can be used to evaluate the performance of Bank of America over time and compare it to other companies across industries.

Bank Financial Ratios Relationships

Comparative valuation techniques use various fundamental indicators to help in determining Bank of America's current stock value. Our valuation model uses many indicators to compare Bank of America value to that of its competitors to determine the firm's financial worth. You can analyze the relationship between different fundamental ratios across Bank of America competition to find correlations between indicators driving Bank of America's intrinsic value. More Info.
Bank of America is number one stock in return on equity category among its peers. It also is number one stock in return on asset category among its peers reporting about  0.09  of Return On Asset per Return On Equity. The ratio of Return On Equity to Return On Asset for Bank of America is roughly  11.38 . Comparative valuation analysis is a catch-all model that can be used if you cannot value Bank of America by discounting back its dividends or cash flows. This model doesn't attempt to find an intrinsic value for Bank of America's Preferred Stock. Still, instead, it compares the stock's price multiples to a benchmark or nearest competition to determine if the stock is relatively undervalued or overvalued.

Bank of America Systematic Risk

Bank of America's systematic risk plays a vital role in portfolio allocation when considering its stock to be added to a well-diversified portfolio. Bank of America volatility which cannot be eliminated through diversification, requires returns over the risk-free rate. Over the long run, a well-diversified portfolio provides returns that match its exposure to systematic risk. In this case, investors face a trade-off between expected returns and systematic risk and, therefore, can only reduce a portfolio's exposure to systematic risk by sacrificing expected returns on the portfolio.
The output start index for this execution was thirty with a total number of output elements of thirty-one. The Beta measures systematic risk based on how returns on Bank of America correlated with the market. If Beta is less than 0 Bank of America generally moves in the opposite direction as compared to the market. If Bank of America Beta is about zero movement of price series is uncorrelated with the movement of the benchmark. if Beta is between zero and one Bank of America is generally moves in the same direction as, but less than the movement of the market. For Beta = 1 movement of Bank of America is generally in the same direction as the market. If Beta > 1 Bank of America moves generally in the same direction as, but more than the movement of the benchmark.

Bank of America September 30, 2024 Opportunity Range

Along with financial statement analysis, the daily predictive indicators of Bank of America help investors to analyze its daily demand and supply, volume, patterns, and price swings to determine the real value of Bank of America. We use our internally-developed statistical techniques to arrive at the intrinsic value of Bank of America based on widely used predictive technical indicators. In general, we focus on analyzing Bank Preferred Stock price patterns and their correlations with different microeconomic environment and drivers. We also apply predictive analytics to build Bank of America's daily price indicators and compare them against related drivers.

Other Information on Investing in Bank Preferred Stock

Bank of America financial ratios help investors to determine whether Bank Preferred Stock is cheap or expensive when compared to a particular measure, such as profits or enterprise value. In other words, they help investors to determine the cost of investment in Bank with respect to the benefits of owning Bank of America security.