Investing Education Stories
Semi Variance is taking the data that you generate that is below the mean and mapping its locations. Why might you need to know the data below the mean, well it can help to limit risk to the downside and gauge how much risk you want to take in a particular investment.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
Working capital is the current assets minus the current liabilities, and this number can be both positive or negative depending on the numbers populated in the equations. It is important to understand what goes into these types of formulas because you can then begin to pick it apart and pinpoint what causes the final number and that can potentially unearth different issues with a company.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
Gross profit is an important number to look at when fundamentally evaluating a stock. Gross profit is simply total revenue with the cost of goods sold subtracted. A company needs to maintain these types of numbers as it is what appeals to investors. Fundamentally understanding a stock is fairly simple, but it is what you are looking for that is important.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
Period momentum indicator is as simple as it sounds, measuring the momentum of price over a given period, letting you know that an equity could be overbought, oversold, or in neutral territory.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
Cash per share is taking the total cash and dividing it by the average share total. This type of tool is one that many fundamental or value investors will use to get them going on a potential investment.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
There are many different moving averages out there and the triple exponential moving average attempts to smooth the movements while filtering out volatility and limited the lag time that averages have. As with any average, there still is a little lag so this may be better suited for long term investing.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
Profit margin is key when evaluating a business and is calculated by net income divided by revenue. Expressed in a percentage, this measures how much money the company makes for every dollar of revenue earned.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
When taking a look at the fundamentals of a stock, you check over everything, the debt, cash flow, outstand shares, and then there is cash and equivalents.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
When you look at a fund or investment, many people focus on the potential gains and what they might receive, but they may fail to realize that there is a potential downside or expected shortfall.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |
Risk is an extremely important factor when choosing your next investment or building your first portfolio. Risk adjusted performance measures the risk that is associated with generating the return that is desired.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young |